The Benefits of Yoga
Did you know that yoga is actually an ancient practice that has become incredibly popular in the modern day and age? Yoga provides a break from the busy and often chaotic lives that many people live these days. However, yoga provides a plethora of physical and mental benefits as well. For example, it’s a well-known fact that yoga enhances physical fitness in people from a wide range of ages and physical abilities. The practice of yoga has a direct impact on your capacity for exercise.
A recent study of people who had never participated in yoga in the past, showed greater endurance, flexibility and muscle strength after eight (8) weeks of practicing yoga a minimum of twice per week. It also showed an increase of their cardio-respiratory fitness by lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension. Basically, yoga helps your body sense the imbalances in blood pressure and goes a long way in maintaining proper balance. In addition, yoga improves lipid profiles in patients with coronary artery disease.
On a different note, yoga can also lower high blood sugar levels in patients who are non-insulin dependent diabetics. The bottom line here is that it reduces their need for medications. Research is also currently being conducted on the link between yoga and the reduction of depression, relief for arthritis, and even an improvement in the survival rate of cancer patients. Last but certainly not least, yoga helps boost weight loss and weight management or maintenance. This is due to the fact that people who practice yoga are far more mindful when it comes to the food that they eat.
In essence, they are more in tune with their body and what they put into that body. For example, people who practice yoga may be more sensitive to the feelings of being hungry and feeling full. Another recent study found that participants who practiced yoga for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day at least one time per week, gained a lot less weight during their adult years. On the other hand, participants who started the study being overweight, actually lost weight. The study also proved that people who practice yoga have lower body mass indexes when compared with people who do not partake in yoga.
If you would like more information about our yoga programs, please contact our office today. Quiet Corner Physical Therapy offers a basic yoga class for people with limited motion called Chair Yoga. We also offer a Restorative Yoga class for people who have better balance and range of motion. Both classes are available on the weekends.
There are many things that make Quiet Corner Physical Therapy different. First and foremost, our dedicated staff is completely devoted to making your physical therapy experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. We pride ourselves on providing each and every one of our patients with industry leading individualized care and treatment plans. The number one concern of our compassionate staff is your well-being. Quiet Corner has the unique ability to utilize the most effective treatment techniques and services including cupping, paraffin, dry needling, mobility tools, E-stim, TENS, taping, traction, and joint/soft tissue mobilization just to name a few.